Voices and Votes: Democracy in America March 2023 - January 2024
In 2023, Humanities Kansas launched a special Kansas tour of Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, the new Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition from Museum on Main Street. The exhibit explored the history of American democracy and toured six Kansas communities between March 25, 2023, through January 7, 2024.
Voices and Votes Smithsonian Host Communities
These organizations brought the Smithsonian exhibition to their hometown:
Boot Hill Museum, Dodge City
March 25 – May 7, 2023
Mid-America All-Indian Museum, Wichita
May 13 – June 25, 2023
Nicodemus National Historic Site
July 1 – August 13, 2023
Franklin County Historical Society, Ottawa
August 19 – October 1, 2023
Winfield Public Library
October 7 – November 19, 2023
Republic County Historical Society, Belleville
November 25, 2023 – January 7, 2024
About Voices and Votes
Voices and Votes: Democracy in America traces the bold American experiment of a government run by and for the people. The exhibit examines the influences that shaped the early days of American democracy and the changes that have occurred in the nearly 250 years since.
Democracy is a form of government that requires civic engagement and participation. It is formed by citizens’ responses to ongoing questions: What are the rights and responsibilities of citizens? What is the role of the government in American life? How do citizens participate in democracy? Beginning with the American Revolution, this exhibition explores these questions and more.
Voices and Votes: Democracy in America content can be translated to Spanish and other languages or converted into an audio format. Access accessibilty resources below.
Voices and Votes Accessible Resources
HK provides an inclusive online experience enabling visitors to access online content for Voices and Votes barrier-free. Both Audio and Spanish language translations of the exhibition are available. Explore accessible resources.
Voices and Votes Sidewalk Civics Tour
What does American democracy look like? The Sidewalk Civics tour explores the ways Kansans have memorialized democracy through monuments, civic architecture, and more! Take the tour on your smartphone with the Clio - Your Guide to History app or visit theclio.com to explore stories of democracy in Kansas at doezens of sites.
Voices and Votes: Democracy in America was made possible in Kansas by Humanities Kansas with support from "A More Perfect Union: America at 250" an initiative of the National Endowment for the Humanities, HK Friends of the Humanities, and the following partners:
Special thanks to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics and the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum & Boyhood Home.