Huascar Medina
Huascar is a poet, writer, and performer who lives in Topeka. He currently works as a freelance copywriter and as the Literary Editor for seveneightfive magazine publishing stories that spotlight literary and artistic events in northeast Kansas. His poems can be found in his collection How to Hang the Moon published by Spartan Press. He is the winner of ARTSConnect’s 2018 Arty Award for Literary Art. His new collection of poems Un Mango Grows in Kansas is available at huascarmedina.com. From 2018-2021 Huascar presented readings and discussions about poetry in communities across the state.
May Our Voices Ring True
Poetry is a lens that can be both microscopic and telescopic representing the "…clear expression of mixed feelings," as poet W.H. Auden suggests. Poetry creates space where we can discover ourselves, find our place, and revel in beauty and truth. But through poetry we can also find connection with one another. Poet Mahmoud Darwish said it like this: "Poetry and beauty are always making peace. When you read something beautiful you find coexistence; it breaks walls down." This presentation will use poetry to help us find our voices, share our words, and discover what truly connects us. May our voices ring true and may our truth have the grace of beauty.