Virgil Dean, Speaker
Retired as consulting editor and editor of Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains
"We, The People of Kansas..." The Story of Kansas's Founding Documents, 1820-2020
Presentation by: Virgil Dean
A nation or state’s founding documents speak to the values and aspirations of its people, and at a functional level, provide the functions of government. For the United States, these are the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and for Kansas, the 1859 Wyandotte Constitution qualifies. It stipulated the form of government, a bill of rights, and systems for elections, education, public institutions, and even the formation of counties and townships. This talk will explore the key components of the Wyandotte Constitution and look at other foundational documents in the state’s history. It will also explore the modifications to the constitution to expand the role of government and rights for individuals over the 160 years of statehood.
Contact Virgil directly about speaking at your event:
(785) 424-5115