Murl Riedel, Speaker
Fiscal analyst and retired major from the Kansas Army National Guard
Architecture of the People's Houses
Presentation by: Murl Riedel
Kansas has 105 county courthouses and hundreds of city halls, plus a few more state capitals than you might expect. The manifestation of the greatest ideals occurs in these buildings, where the work of the people’s democracy is in action. The designs of these buildings tell us about the evolution of local government in the state. Larger societal issues, such as the Free State and the Civil Rights movements, can also be examined through the architecture of place. Some resemble Greek and Roman temples of democratic ideals while others convey the Victorian notions of civility. Still others are nondescript storefronts. Regardless of scale and beauty, these buildings represent symbols of our shared values and convey much about our communities.
Contact Murl directly about speaking at your event:
(785) 207-0503