Marla Day, Speaker
Curator of Kansas State University's Historic Costume and Textile Museum in Manhattan
Waste Not, Want Not: Reimagining Fashion through Thrift Style
Presentation by: Marla Day
Thrifting and upcycling are not new concepts. The practice of reusing empty feed sacks, flour sacks, and sugar sacks—also known as commodity bags—as raw material for clothing and other home goods was popular during the austere decades of the 1920s through the 1940s. This program highlights a collection of sacks from Kansas mills, thoughtfully selected to honor a family with deep Kansas roots in agricultural extension, 4-H, and a family-owned feed and farm supply store. This collision between commercial waste and homespun ingenuity provides a model for our modern emphasis on sustainability!
Contact Marla directly about speaking at your event:
(785) 532-1328