Kara Heitz, Speaker
Lecturer in the Liberal Arts department at the Kansas City Art Institute
A New Deal for Public Art in the Free State
Presentation by: Kara Heitz
Between 1934 and 1943, the U.S. Treasury Department commissioned over 1,600 pieces of public art for newly constructed post office buildings across the United States. In the state of Kansas, twenty-nine of these murals and other artworks were installed in twenty-six post offices, as a part of this New Deal arts program. For eight decades, thousands of Kansans have walked past these public works of art - sometimes in appreciation, sometimes with a nod of familiarity, sometimes without even registering their existence. What can these murals tell about Kansas during the Great Depression era, and how do they continue to speak to Kansans today? This presentation explores these questions through the lens of New Deal art programs in Kansas.
Contact Kara directly about speaking at your event:
(202) 213-3201
Mission Hills